God writes a lot of comedy... the trouble is, he's stuck with so many bad actors who don't know how to play funny.
Garrison Keillor

my tweeps!

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

7 pounds

yesterday i went to cinema with schoolmates; angie, tiara, vania, wella,jane. me,angie and jane decided to see 7 pounds and others choose Kambing jantan the movie(i have been see it, it was a great funny film, LOL) angie&tiara cukup bikin gue malu dengan tingkah mereka yang memalukan dan soo 'kamse' pas masuk ke XXInya hahaha
Well i tell you my friend, 7 pounds was soooooooo briliant film, sedih banget. this film is about a man who helping peoples, because he feel guilty about an accident he made and 7 peoples die by that. Dari awal2 sampe pertengahan film gue agak ga ngerti, but then i got that story. gue banjir air mats beneran :""""""""' Bener2 terharu sama sikap Tim(Will Smith) yang baik banget. two tumbs up and 5 stars-rating deh buat film ini. You Must See! :)


Anggie said...

iya sampe elu nangis kan nad?wkakakka

Nadia Shabira Putri said...

haha iya ngie sedih banget tau best movie ever deh :D

Anggie said...

best-an mana sama "twilight"?jangan liat segi alaynya yaaaaa,tapi liat bagus nya hahaha

Anggie said...

AAAAAAAAAAAAAA kangeeeeeeeen!!!!!!!!!!!!! :(

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