God writes a lot of comedy... the trouble is, he's stuck with so many bad actors who don't know how to play funny.
Garrison Keillor

my tweeps!

Friday, January 23, 2009

Full-of drama day

hey, sorry for the late posting yaaa -______-
hari ini mellow and full of drama i think. uwi tadi nangis tiba-tiba, hmm for some reason lah, missunderstanding. Aduh uwiiiiiii sabar ya bebilopssssss, we love you kok, same as others! :D
trus, hari ini gue juga denger sesuatu yang, umm make me little bit shocked,
ngga nyangka, sempet bikin bete, down, jijik, ilfeel, males banget intinya dengernya :( gue pikir, harusnya gue ga usah tau, knowing nothing is better than knowing at all, i guess :'( tapi udah ga terlalu gue pikirin kok(tapi boong) hehe ;')

today at school nothing special sih, cuma td kocak deh, gue sama anak2 kan lg ngomongin mau beli kado apa buat tiara sm suprise party-because tomorrow she will get her birthday hehe-, eh ternyata yaa tiara tuh berdiri di belakang kita, kitanya bener2 ga nyadar hahaha kyknya sih tuh anak dengerin aduhaduh ga prof banget -_________-
okay, just it for today! Bye!

Friday, January 16, 2009

Happy birthday to me!(on january 14th :P)

happy birthday to me! haha yeay i'm 15 years old now haha still child :P
i wish i could be more mature,cheerful,smarter.... blablabla(look my resolution under)
Okay, my birthday was quite annoyed, cause gue tuh dikerjain sama temen2 gue,let me tell you the story;

when i woke up in the morning, i got some sms, ngucapin happy birthday, that's nice. trus sampe sekolah anak2 biasa aja ga terlalu keliatan aneh atau gimana, yaudah gue pikir gabakal ada macem2 nih. dikelas my classmates ngucapin happy birthday juga, trus rhuppi nanya"nad gimana kalo lo gue ceplokin?haha". "aduuuuuuuuh males bgt ga ada telor2an aaaaah!"kata gue -,- nah pas dari istirahat, sampe waktu sholat zuhur, temen2 gue(rahma dan lain2) berubah jadi nyebelin bgt tau gaaa, mereka yg bisik2 di depan gue, ngucilin gue gitu dgn sengaja! huh kesel gue ditinggalin gitu, gue pasang tampang cemberut aja. aduh gue mikir waktu itu, mereka ga profesional bgt sih kalo pgn ngerjain orang yaaaaaaaa hahaha
nah pas pulang pm, gue disuruh tunggu dulu di depan gedung A. gue udh pgn kabur&pulang aja tuh,jelas curiga, tp kasian deh sama temen2 gue haha. yaudah gue tunggu mereka sementara gatau ngapin tuh di atas. and then, tiba2 mereka semua pada turun, brought so many ballons in their hands, while said"HAPPY BIRTHDAY NADIAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!" i was shocked, haha yaampuuun. mereka nyamperin gue, kissed my cheek(aw so sweet), trus di depan gedung A gue niup lilin 15 diatas PIZZA!haha with cheese looh, kata dila. after singing happy birthday song, gue tiup lilin, daaaaaaaaan tiba2 gue disirem aja gitu ya pake air sama terigu dr atas kepala! kyaaaa gue teriak, gue bener2 basah,gila. rambut gue ga keru2an, asli. menjengkelkannyaa, pas mau keramas,gue pgn ditinggalin gt aja sendiri di sekolah!kasian bgt sih gue! untungnya gajadi &mereka bantu keramasin gue di kran dpn gedung. mana lengket bgt lagi! &dingin banget sumpah,sampe gemeteran soalnya angin lg kenceng bgt-_____-" ohiya waktu itu disekolah ada ummah,rhuppi,aden dll jg. untung uwi bawa baju ganti buat gue,soalnya baju gue bener2 udh basah kuyup.
abis ganti baju gue pulang(dengan rambut masih-byk-terigunya-kayak-nenek-lampir dan muka cemberut) sm anak2. gue ke salon dulu doooooooong hahaha buat bersihin rambut,gue ga bisa bersihin sendiri soalnya. gie ke johnny andrean sm uwi&nabila di cimall gt yaaa haha. gue creambath aja. pas cuci rambut,itu bener2 lebih lama dari biasanya,haha susah kali bersihin terigunya. abis creambath&dimassage juga(it felt so good and relax aha) gue pulang deh.

Okaaaay my baby balabala a.k.a my friends, thanks for all yaaaaaaaaaaaa, hahahaha

p.s. billaaaaaaaaaa awas lo ya tanggal 24 januari ntar! gue bales lo, pokoknya mesti ada telor ceplok diatas kepala lo!huahahaha

Friday, January 9, 2009

I'm Sick :""""""""(

Aaaaargh i got sick! fever, red lane inflamed, flu, cough,headache... grrr all in one packet in my body! -_____- and it feels so bad! i already drank medicine, but i still ill! ck :(
doain gue cepet sembuh yaaaaaaaaaaaa :|

Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Study tour to Bogor!

I just back from my studytour with school today!
first we visited President's Palace in Cipanas. We saw the parlour, dining room, President and family's bedroom, we saw hot water bathing place too. The guide explained to us about history of this palace. tapi sayangnya kita ngga boleh foto2 di dalem istana. so we just took photos at the garden (wide: about 26 hectares!)

hihi there are dark horses!

at plants shop &dila

After that, our next and the last place was Flowers Park of Archipelago (Taman Bunga Nusantara). hmm so many wonderful flowers and trees in this park

Di Taman Bunga ini juga ada jam yang besaaar, in front of doorway. It named "Jam Taman"

Me and my fellas tried to explore the big Labyrinth together ;) Dan kita sempet sering banget kesesat. thanks to Rahma yang udah ngasih tau jalan yang "benar menurut dia" hahaha. Oiya sempet hujan deres juga -___- jadi tambah dingin udaranya

(my clothes when heavy rain and so-cold temperature)
jacket; Qelephant
White chemise; Kiabi
Jeans; Victoria jeans
Shoes; Unbranded

Gue, Rahma, Angie sempet misah. We went to "Taman Jepang" and then 'Rumah Kaca", buat ngumpulin data-data bunga dan fotonya untuk tugas yang dikasih. ckck nyusahin... Tapi kita tetep foto-foto dong hehe

(candid; all taken by Angie. thanks james! :P)

at The Glass House

finally, we went back to school at 16.00pm

atmosphere at my class' bus; they all looked like grim and had tired faces! hehe

me & strawberry; asem stroberinyaaa -________-

Wow what a nice vacation ! :D


Monday, January 5, 2009

Report; Fashion trends in 2009


Ripped stockings

umm, little bit awkward i think


Military Precision


Thick and Chunky Heels

Saturday, January 3, 2009

Ehm, Resolutions for 2009?

Happy New Year 2009!
Well, I know it's little bit too late to say that hehe but let's hope, we all gonna be more success in this year! :D

Hm sebenernya gue paling males, males, males buat yang namanya Resolusi buat tahun baru, tapi ngeliat kakak gue bikin resolusi dengan semangat menggebu2 (haha) jadi gue iseng pengen bikin Resolusi juga;

My Resolutions for 2009

- Love Allah much more than anything
- More mature
- Love my family, friends and peoples around me
- Studying hard (oh, that's 'hard')
- Lulus Ujian Sekolah dan Ujian Nasional
- Masuk SMA 28, or at least SMA 34!
- Pengen ganti HP ! (haha ga terlalu penting sebenernya, but i really want to!)

Okaay that's it. hehe rada ga jelas kayaknya.
Ah, kesel dh senin besok udah masuk sekolah. sigh.
Tapi liburan gue juga ga asik2 banget sih, jadi kayaknya lebih enak masuk juga, ketemu temen2 -____-